La revue Parallèles, fondée en 1978, est une revue universitaire consacrée aux problématiques de la traduction et de l’interprétation. Elle est publiée par la Faculté de traduction et d’interprétation de l’Université de Genève.
Dernières contributions
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Representations of masculine speech in the Japanese dub of the movie Call Me by Your Name: virtual spaces and bodies of otherness
Francesco Vitucci
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Cedergren, Mickaëlle & Lindberg, Ylva (2023). Le transfert des littératures francophones en(tre) périphérie. Pratiques de sélection, de médiation et de lecture. Stockholm University Press.
Compte rendu par Klara Boestad
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Guillemin-Flescher, Jacqueline (2023). Linguistique contrastive : énonciation et activité langagière. Presses universitaires de Rennes.
Compte rendu par Yves Gambier
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Dubbing as a tool for the integration of older people and language transmission
Maria Montroy
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Arber, S. (2023). Genèses d’une œuvre de traducteur. Elmar Tophoven et la traduction transparente. Presses universitaires François Rabelais
Compte rendu par Lucie Spezzatti
Parallèles 36(1)
Télécharger le sommaire du numéro 36(1) de Parallèles en PDF
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Audiovisual translation and media accessibility in language education
Alejandro Bolaños García-Escribano, Noa Talaván & Alberto Fernández-Costales (Éditeurs invités), pages 3-17
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Learning specialised vocabulary through reverse subtitling in the context of translation and interpreting training
Laura Cruz-García, pages 18-29
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The language learners’ reception of fansubs and raw machine-translated subtitles: A pilot study
Juerong Qiu, pages 47-63
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How to sell your product: A lesson plan on dubbing to foster students’ communicative skills
Paula Buil Beltrán, pages 30-46
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Converting semiotic signs into a linguistic code: Implications for language learners’ oral skills
Marga Navarrete, pages 88-105
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The impact of fundubbing on the attitude towards the learning of Basque in primary education: A case study
Beatriz Azurmendi Sánchez & Ana Tamayo, pages 64-87
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The implementation of museum audio description in foreign language education: A pilot study
Chiara Bartolini & Eleonora Maldina, pages 130-146
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Audio description and pronominal verb production in students of Spanish: An analysis of unexpected linguistic outputs
Adriana Bausells-Espín, pages 106-129
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Literary translator training through audiovisual adaptation of children’s albums
Soledad Díaz-Alarcón, pages 164-181
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The role of accessibility in language teaching: Respeaking in the foreign language classroom
Luz Belenguer Cortés, pages 147-163
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Training pre-service primary education teachers in didactic audiovisual translation: A case study
Antonio-Jesús Tinedo-Rodríguez & Jennifer Lertola, pages 199-216
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Didactic transmedia storytelling: The case of Josep and the teaching of Catalan
Paula Igareda, pages 182-198
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Finding spaces for improvement in the didactic use of audiovisual translation in the EFL classroom: The case of the TRADILEX project
Cristina Plaza-Lara & María Bobadilla-Pérez, pages 217-233