28(2) - 2016

Ezra Pound: La poetica della transcreazione

Irena Kristeva


Ezra Pound’s poetics of transcreation


Ezra Pound has certainly changed the stereotypical idea of a translator with his ambition to associate the establishement of cultural autonomy of translations with the will to renew the English language. Thus, he translates in a new, fresh, often controversial way, which applies the “Make it new!” surge. His poetic transcreations (Campos, 1973) are eloquent examples of an aesthetically independent translation wrapped by the spirit of modernism. The paper will examine the stakes of this experimental technique of translation in the light of two concepts from the late 1990s: poetics of translating (Meschonnic, 1999) and singability (Bonnefoy, 1997). The poetics of transcreation will be discussed in three stages that concern Pound’s radical practice of translation which goes against the canon, the polyhedral figure of the poet-translator and the role of logopœia, melopœia and phanopœia in modernist translation.


Ezra Pound, modernism, poetics of transcreation, singability, translation

DOI 10.17462/para.2016.02.06

17 octobre 2016
  28(2) - 2016