31(1) - 2019

Traduction et vulgarisation : de la métaphorisation à la dissémination

Yves Gambier


Translation and popularization: from metaphorization to dissemination


Translation and popularization have seldom been studied together. The article is divided into three sections. The first one recalls how popularization has been conceptualized, partly by referring to the “translation” metaphor, and how the composition of most of the contemporary popularized texts highlights their verbal-visual dimension. The second section raises the issue of “text” or how texts have become multimodal while, in the third section, we deal with different textual genres as the romances, the articles in Wikipedia and “knowledge translation” in medicine – all of them re-questioning the division between translation and popularization. In the conclusion, we plead for a better place of intralingual translation in Translation Studies.


Translation, popularization, metaphorization, dissemination

DOI 10.17462/para.2019.01.05