The language learners’ reception of fansubs and raw machine-translated subtitles: A pilot study
Juerong Qiu
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The language learners’ reception of fansubs and raw machine-translated subtitles: A pilot study
This study explores how learners of Chinese react to and engage with fansubs and raw machine-translated subtitles and whether the two modes of subtitling are effective in facilitating vocabulary learning. Sixteen L1 English speakers with middle and high levels of proficiency in Chinese were invited to watch a nine-minute clip extracted from a Chinese period drama. Screen recordings, think-aloud protocols, vocabulary pre- and post-tests, and interviews were used. The results show that the combination of both modes of subtitles had a positive effect on vocabulary learning, regardless of proficiency levels. Learners often underestimated the quality of machine translation and associated erroneous subtitles with machine translation output. This highlights the need for increased machine translation literacy. The study emphasises the importance of learners’ motivation and genuine interest for effective language learning. Additionally, it sheds light on the ongoing discussion about the use of subtitles in language learning and can potentially broaden learners’ range of learning resources and improve their overall learning outcomes.
Machine translation, audiovisual translation, language learning, viewing habits, motivation
36(1) - 2024