Audio description translation from Spanish into Chinese as an alternative to creating audio description: A reception study
Yuchen Liu
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Audio description translation from Spanish into Chinese as an alternative to creating audio description: A reception study
This article presents a reception study with Chinese audio description (AD) users to investigate the feasibility of AD translation by having them evaluate three AD versions for the Spanish movie The Invisible Guest (Paulo, 2017): one created from scratch in Chinese, another translated from the Spanish AD script, and a third translated from the Spanish script and localised into Chinese. A questionnaire including questions on demographic information, comprehension, presence, and overall satisfaction with quality was used to measure participants’ viewing experience. Some participants also offered personal feedback after AD viewing. The results show that the Chinese AD received the highest mean score, followed by the Localised AD and the Translated AD, although a statistically significant difference is only observed between the Chinese AD and the Translated AD. Furthermore, there is no relevant difference between the three AD versions regarding comprehension or presence. Consequently, it can be claimed that AD translation may be an alternative for creating AD in Chinese, and localisation can potentially give greater user satisfaction overall compared to literal translation.
audio description translation, Spanish-Chinese, presence, localisation, reception study