La visibilité littéraire de la littérature belge francophone en Suède. Au sujet de quelques asymétries dans la circulation et la médiation littéraire
Mickaëlle Cedergren
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The literary visibility of Belgian francophone literature in Sweden. On asymmetries in circulation and mediation
This contribution examines the literary visibility of Belgian francophone literature in Sweden from 1998 to 2018 by analyzing three parameters: 1) translation flows, 2) translators and 3) reception flows. By using the methodological framework of the sociology of literature (Heilbron & Sapiro, 2007), the study reflects on different asymmetries that exist between translation flows and reception flows. It shows that 1) the translated authors and genres of the Belgian francophone literature do not always correspond to those who are most mediated in the press, 2) the actors of mediation with high symbolic capital play a dominant role in the literary field of the host country and 3) the reception circuit is revealed as of significant importance in the introduction process of Belgian francophone literature. The findings suggest that it is necessary to reconsider the impact of reception processes for the visibility of literature in general, and especially for the transmission of specific writers or literary genres. The study proposes to acknowledge the autonomy of reception in relation to translation in the literary circulation, and welcomes comparative studies, in order to understand different modalities of global translation and reception circuits.
Sociology of translation, literary visibility, Belgian francophone literature, reception, Sweden
32(1) - 2020