Les littératures francophones de l’Afrique subsaharienne et du Maghreb en slovène 1960-1990 : éléments pour une histoire de la traduction
Katja Zakrajšek
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Les littératures francophones de l’Afrique subsaharienne et du Maghreb en slovène 1960-1990 : éléments pour une histoire de la traduction
This paper retraces the discovery of the Francophone literatures of the African continent by Slovenian translators and publishers in the period 1960-1990. Drawing on a complete translation bibliography established for this purpose, it addresses some basic questions: what the historical context was like, when and where the translations of these literatures were published during the period studied, what was translated (which genres and authors), who translated from these literatures and who wrote peritexts (prefaces and postfaces) and, briefly, how these texts were translated. Hypotheses on the motivation for (the why of) these translations are formulated, based on considerations about the role of literary translation in the Slovenian literary space, about the political context (the Non-Aligned Movement) and other factors. Finally, based on these preliminary findings, some areas for further research are suggested.
translation history, Francophone literatures, Sub-Saharan Africa, Maghreb, Slovenian
20 avril 201628(1) - 2016