Traduction et non-traduction en contexte publicitaire : analyse contrastive des marques et slogans de l’Oréal (France-Espagne)
Isabel Cómitre Narváez
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Traduction et non-traduction en contexte publicitaire : analyse contrastive des marques et slogans de l’Oréal (France-Espagne)
This paper is about translation problems that may arise in the field of advertising and the way these problems should be dealt with. Since culture and local habits play a central role in this context, our aim is to reveal the particular strategies used to translate these kinds of messages. We also look at the issue of non-translation, which is a concept that is coming up frequently in the field of translation studies. What is non-translation? What forms does it take? In order to demonstrate the specificity of advertisement translation, we are basing this study on translation theories that explore this particular field. Finally, we present a comparative study on the translation and non-translation of slogans, catchphrases, products names, brand names and visuals on French and Spanish L’Oréal websites.
Translation, advertising, comparative analysis, L’Oréal websites, French-Spanish
18 octobre 201527(2) - 2015