La « tradufiction » et le pouvoir de l’autoreprésentation. Assommons les pauvres, de Shina Shumona et Vengeance du traducteur, de Brice Matthieussent
Dominique Faria
HTML version of the abstract and keywords [English]:
Transfiction and the power of self-representation. Assommons les pauvres, by Shina Shumona, and Vengeance du traducteur, by Brice Matthieussent
This article focuses on transfictions written by translators, which are considered as a means of self-representation that increases their power and visibility, enables them to take control over the narratives about their professional activity and to challenge preconceived ideas about the translator’s work. Examining the novels Assommons les pauvres (2011), by Shina Shumona, and Vengeance du traducteur (2009), by Brice Matthieussent, will allow us to pinpoint the themes and writing strategies that these authors have selected to represent translators. Despite their differences, both authors build their stories around the ideas of fidelity, visibility, ethics and identity, forcing their readers to confront their own stereotypes about translators and translation. Ultimately, taking advantage of the benefits of fiction, they both opt for a more complex and nuanced representation of translators, when compared to more theoretical approaches.
translation, transfiction, translators, Shina Shumona, Brice Matthieussent