La representación de la relación de equivalencia del derecho de extranjería en un diccionario bilingüe español-rumano
Ioana Cornea
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The representation of equivalence of immigration law in a Spanish-Romanian bilingual dictionary
This article introduces a new approach to the development of translation-oriented lexicographical resources in the Spanish-Romanian translation context for the field of immigration law. The lack of Spanish-Romanian bilingual dictionaries and the limitations of traditional lexicographical resources constitute the point of departure for this research. Our proposal is based on Šarčević´s research (1997) and shows how conceptual analysis can be used to measure the degree of equivalence of functional equivalents and assess their acceptability for translation purposes. A comparable corpus consisting of Spanish and Romanian legislation serves as the primary source for analyzing the legal concepts discussed. Contrastive information is illustrated by lexicographical entries that respond to the real needs of Romanian legal translators. These entries emphasize elements related to the translation process, including type of translation (documentary or instrumental), degree of equivalence, parallel texts and comments on terminological variety. These kinds of resources, which focus on the translator’s needs, help translators reduce search times as well as increase the functionality of translation.
Legal translation, comparative law, bilingual lexicography, terminology, immigration law
April 22, 201830(1) - 2018